non-invasive | trim | tone | contour
Pre-Consultation $45
Required prior to your 1st treatment and redeemable on treatment when booked within 2 weeks from time of consult.
HIFU uses the power of ultrasound to safely lift and tighten the skin. During the treatment, ultrasound waves is micro-focused below the skin’s surface to cause cellular friction and precise, pinpoint heating. Heat is only generated at the focal point, leaving the skin’s surface and intervening tissue unaffected. The tissue is heated to around 65℃, causing immediate collagen contraction and denaturation, and initiating collagen synthesis.
Over 90-180 days, the wound-healing response stimulates long-term tissue remodeling and leads to further lifting and tightening, with results that continue for up to 6months post-treatment. The clinical endpoint of HIFU – Body Sculpting is still 12 weeks, immediate results seen is a result of lymphatic drainage. The tightening, lifting & firming process still continues for up to 6 months post treatments and results can last a year or more.
Please note: HIFU IS NOT A WEIGHT LOSS TREATMENT and does not replace the benefits of proper diet & exercise. It does not treat obesity.
Who is the ideal candidate:
Anyone who is mildly above ideal weight and who cannot shift stubborn fat pockets.
Ideal for sculpting smaller areas – candidate should be within 5-10 kg of their ideal weight range.
Not every client will be suitable or an ideal candidate for HIFU Body sculpting so it’s important to book in for a consultation and complete evaluation. *Some contraindications do apply.
Common treatment zones
Enjoy full-body confidence with HIFU – Body Sculpting Skin Tightening treatments.
​Chin Neck
Upper Arms Chest
Bra Bulge Back Bra Bulge
Upper Back Love Handles
Flank Sides Flank Lower Belly
Post Pregnancy (Mummy Tummy) Abdomen / Stomach
Outer Thigh Inner Thigh
Under Buttocks Upper Knee